Pablo Mandolesi

Pablo Mandolesi

System and circuit theory and design.


Pedro Julián

Pedro Julián

Theory and applications of computational circuits and systems, electronic systems, in particular sensory processors (acoustic and vision), with emphasis on low power VLSI systems.


Research Fellows

Dr. Martín Difederico
Visual Processors. VLSI. [email protected]

Postgraduates Students

Ing. Gustavo Dorado
Microelectronics. Batteries. [email protected]
Ing. Jonatan Ceci
Microelectronics. Power Electronics.[email protected]
Dr. Esteban Lindstrom
Microelectronics. Power Electronics.[email protected]

Technical Staff

Mg. Andrés Aymonino
Electronics. [email protected]
Dr. Angel Soto
Microelectronics. Power Electronics. RG,   [email protected]
Ing. Favio Mengatto
Power Electronics. [email protected]